Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Hi every one
In this writing, I would like to talk about the best one-day trip that I have been on,

Iran. Four years ago, my sister and me went to north of Iran for short holiday. The place where we went to is one of the most amazing parts of Iran. The weather was lovely Sun was shining and it fascinated every one to stay there and have a relax time

without any stress. The trip was two weeks before I came to New Zealand that is why

so memorable for me. I have not seen my sister since that. We went by car and even

though it takes seven hours to get there but we had a fun while we on way. We

had lunch in a restaurant that calls “Green Park”. We ordered chicken skewers that

served with rice. That was the most delicious food that I had in my life, I would say.

After that, we drove throe to the motel and as soon as we got there, we took shower

And we had a few hours sleep to get some energy back .The day after, we went

To fishing and we couch three fish and that was our dinner. In third day, we decided

To go for claiming and that was a most memorable part of our trip because we

never had an experience like this before. We claimed to top of the mountain but in

Middle of way suddenly I lost my control and I could not continue and there was no

one to ask for help. My sister went to find some one to get help and I have been

waiting there for two hours. Finally, I survived and we went back with happy face

in the last day of our trip ,we went to mountain by gondola which was amazing

I felt I was in highest place in world and it was not easy to look throe down the

mountain. Generally, I did enjoy it and I wish I could go there again with my

sister. This was my trip.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Student job search is a free service team helping students find course and work. Career planning, job search strategies and interview preparation are helpful services. For example job search strategies can apply many vacations and determine possible hidden opportunities. Also, they teach students how to search for descent jobs through newspaper, the internet and industry publication. There is no one quick quiz to tell you the perfect job. On the other hand there is a career and employment centre which can help students to improve their chances of selecting jobs. In addition, career planning allows students to focus both their skills and on the job market. Obviously, there is no better way to find out the information students need about a particular career or job than to go to the student job search.

student services

Student job search is a free service team helping students find course and work. Career planning, job search strategies and interview preparation are helpful services. For example job search strategies can apply many vacations and determine possible hidden opportunities. Also, they teach students how to search for descent jobs through newspaper, the internet and industry publication. There is no one quick quiz to tell you the perfect job. On the other hand there is a career and employment centre which can help students to improve their chances of selecting jobs. In addition, career planning allows students to focus both their skills and on the job market. Obviously, there is no better way to find out the information students need about a particular career or job than to go to the student job search.